Meet Mrs. Saravana Kumari: The Spark of Global Academy
August 09, 2024

A Journey of Passion, Perseverance, and Progress in Education

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Saravana Kumari, an inspiring teacher from Global Academy for Learning, Bengaluru Her story is a testament to passion, perseverance, and the love for teaching that transcends generations.

Interviewer: Ma’am, could you please tell us about your journey as a teacher?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: My journey began when I was inspired by my science teacher back in school. Despite societal challenges, especially for women in middle-class families, my father encouraged me to pursue my education. I completed my B.Sc. and, after getting married and raising my children, I returned to my passion for teaching.

Interviewer: What inspired you to be a teacher, and what do you specialize in?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: My science teacher was my inspiration. Even after marriage, I had a desire to learn and write. Eventually, with my husband's support, I pursued my B.Ed. I specialize in science.

Interviewer: How has your journey been with the advancements in education technology?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: It’s been. Initially, I taught in rural schools and later moved to urban settings, including CBSE schools. The exposure to different teaching environments has been enriching. Modern tools like Class Saathi have revolutionized teaching. They make it easier to track student progress and engage them effectively.

Interviewer: Being among one of the senior teachers in the school, you seem incredibly active and passionate. What keeps you going?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: I believe staying active is crucial. I have grandchildren now, and they keep me on my toes! Working with young teachers and in modern schools keeps my energy levels high. The dynamic environment and the constant evolution in teaching methods are very motivating. I thrive on the love and curiosity of my students, and that keeps me young at heart.

Interviewer: What do you think is the future of teaching?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: The future of teaching is incredibly bright and challenging. Unlike the past, where students solely depended on teachers, now have access to vast resources online. Teachers need to continually adapt, learn, and integrate digital tools into their teaching. Platforms like Class Saathi are a boon, making it easier for us to engage with students and track their performance.

Interviewer: What are your goals before retirement?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: Before I retire, I want to contribute significantly to higher standards of teaching. I aim to mentor young teachers and ensure that my students develop a love for learning that stays with them for life.

Interviewer: What challenges do students face today, and how do you address them?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: Today’s students face intense competition and emotional challenges. It's crucial to develop healthy competition and emotional intelligence. I use various teaching styles and conduct activities that go beyond traditional methods. My goal is to make them feel proud of their achievements and encourage them to aim higher.

Interviewer: Any advice for fellow teachers?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: Focus on the progress of your students. Be open to new teaching methods and continually strive to improve. The role of technology in education is undeniable, and tools like Class Saathi can significantly enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Interviewer: How do you feel about working with young teachers and in modern schools?

Mrs. Saravana Kumari: It's a fantastic experience! Young teachers bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm, which is infectious. Modern schools provide an environment that supports innovative teaching methods. Collaborating with young colleagues and adapting to new technologies keeps me vibrant and motivated.

Mrs. Saravana Kumari’s journey is a source of inspiration for educators everywhere. Her ability to blend traditional values with modern technology, her unwavering passion for teaching, and her dynamic energy despite her age make her a remarkable figure in the education sector.

If you are also an aspiring school teacher and have a story to share join the Shine with Class Saathi campaign.

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