TagHive Impact Story 1: Our Partnership with KEF
March 05, 2021

Developing countries operate under so many chaotic conditions. When there are so many policy issues gripping the various sectors of the country, foundations step up to support the government’s policy visions. This holds especially true for those foundations that are working in education.

Working to further quality education in India is one such NGO of high acclaim - Kaivalya Education Foundation (KEF). As of November, TagHive had the pleasure of partnering with them.

Kaivalya Education Foundation or popularly known as KEF operates with the vision of solving complex problems in the public education system through ecosystem specific tech-based solutions. They work in 50,000 schools across 15 states and 30 districts across India, running various programs that aim to mobilise communities towards effective education.

As of November, TagHive is partnering with Kaivalya Education Foundation (KEF).
As of November, TagHive is partnering with Kaivalya Education Foundation (KEF).

What we will chiefly discuss in this article are the various ways in which TagHive’s flagship product, Class Saathi, has been able to support KEF in its cause to bridge educational gaps.

Class Saathi is disrupting the education system by automating many of the tasks involved in conducting assessments (baseline, midline, endline and other formative assessments), thereby saving key stakeholders time and money while also delivering an efficient system of monitoring, evaluation and intervention.

So, how did we collaborate with KEF? Let’s examine that a little:

  1. We onboarded 900 schools across 3 districts in 3 states to our Class Saathi platform
  1. Through this partnership, we plan to conduct baseline, midline, endline and regular formative assessments, for over 10,000 students and 1500 teachers, helping them curate learning experiences that are designed to deliver impact
  1. We provide all key stakeholders with detailed reports school wise, teacher wise, student wise and district wise performance to help them take necessary corrective action.

To further clarify, let us examine how exactly we have helped them by breaking it down a little:

  1. Transitioning to tech-based learning interventions is expensive and requires huge infrastructural support. This is the reason why most schools in the country have to still grapple with the digital divide.
  1. With KEF, we could deliver our tech-based solution model on such a large scale only because of our affordable technology. We provide under-resourced schools in their project with technological interventions that save them cost instead of being a heavy investment. This is also our method to reduce digital divide in our education system.
  1. Our Class Saathi app can adapt to any ecosystem (read: language, curriculum) and for this reason, we could model assessments for KEF based on the different languages, curriculum and subjects in their schools. The 900 schools that come under this partnership are governed by the education boards in three different states - Maharashtra, Haryana and Odisha.
  1. We also want to reduce the burden on the education system from the complex challenges they face every day, by reducing their administrative grunt work. By automating reports and assessments fully, teachers can better utilise their time inside the classrooms, principals can review real-time performance indicators and the board/foundation can see data points that will help them formulate better interventions. We champion their cause in delivering better learning outcomes.
  1. As of February 2021, 3055 tests were conducted over the app which only goes on to show the volume of impact we are supporting in such a short period of time.

We truly believe that our education system needs all possible support and those who support our education system needs more applause than they receive. We show our appreciation for the work KEF does by helping them in their pursuit of excellence through our humble, yet effective technology.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]

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